If there have been any strange operations that could distort the result, then a corrective weighting value is applied to the latter capitalisations. If the latter were not the case, this stock could still be selected if it were among the 20 with the highest capitalisation.
The Ibex 35 shows the state of the stock market and is a good indicator of the state of the Spanish economy. In fact, analysing its evolution since its creation on 14 January 1992, you can get an idea of what has happened to the Spanish stock market over the last twenty years. It is therefore somewhat of a myth to assume that it is necessarily the largest companies in the market that make up the Ibex 35, as it is more like an average of these indicators. However, it is a market capitalisation-weighted index , i.e. not all the securities included in it have the same weighting. The second filter establishes that the stock must have been traded in at least one third of the sessions during the control period.
Which companies make up the Ibex 35?
The capitalisation of a stock or company in the Ibex 35 is obtained by multiplying the number of shares of each company by the market value on the given day. The IBEX 35 is the benchmark stock market index of the Spanish stock exchange, and it measures the joint behaviour of the 35 most traded companies , from among those listed on the Electronic Stock Market Interconnection System in the four Spanish stock exchanges . To calculate the value of the Ibex 35 on a given the logic behind the bonds that eat your money day, we start with that of the previous session. This value is multiplied by a percentage obtained by dividing the current sum of the capitalisations of the 35 companies in the Ibex, by the sum of the capitalisations of the index values of the previous day. The average capitalisation of the future member must be greater than 0.30% of the average capitalisation of the Ibex 35 during the control period . Volume of shares traded in a session, specified in euros.