How Auto Rebalancing May Help You Reach Your Investing Goals


This runs counter to the old adage of letting your winners run, but the periodic rebalancing realizes the profits regularly rather than trying to time market sentiment for maximum profit. While many people assume that a portfolio needs rebalancing because some investments go down in value, that isn’t always the case. In an up-market, it is possible that some investments grow faster than others, causing an out-of-balance portfolio. The information in this chart is hypothetical and used for illustration purposes only.

Does rebalancing give higher returns?

Rebalancing usually does not increase long-term investment returns.

That means that it had become a riskier portfolio, with higher expected volatility, just before the global financial crisis hit. The result would have been a bumpier ride than intended as stocks declined sharply in 2008 and 2009. This investment portfolio is no longer in balance with its 65/35 target asset allocation. Because it has more stocks than it should, it’s taking on higher risk. Please refer to Titan’s Program Brochure for important additional information.

It maintains a pre-determined asset allocation set by an investment plan. Rebalancing can keep investors’ portfolios aligned with their risk tolerance and need for a certain amount of return. Other types of investors with different outlooks and goals may rebalance quarterly, or even monthly.


As an example, you might have an index mutual fund that charges an expense ratio of 0.5% when you could be holding a nearly identical index ETF with an expense ratio of 0.05%. Some brokerage firms allow their customers to view all their investments in one place, not just the investments they hold with that brokerage. Examples include the Merrill Edge Asset Allocator and Fidelity’s Full View. The downside of the first option is that you might waste time and money rebalancing needlessly.

  • For instance, an investor who needs a greater potential for return might increase the allocation in assets that involve higher risk, such as equities, to improve that potential.
  • One of the automated features of many robo-advisors is automatic portfolio rebalancing.
  • You might have to do some manual asset allocation calculations if the software you’re using isn’t smart enough to recognize this.
  • Securities and Exchange Commission and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board .
  • Contact your financial advisor to discuss whether automatic rebalancing is right for your portfolio.

When one asset is outperforming the other, its weighting in the portfolio grows, potentially exposing the investor to more risk than they would like. Periodically, the portfolio will need to be rebalanced back to the target weightings, locking in gains and reinvesting into underperforming assets. The result of disciplined rebalancing over the long-term is that it tends to reduce risk. Rebalancing can also potentially enhance long-term returns, although that is very time period dependent.

k) investments to maximize your portfolio

Strategic asset allocation is a portfolio strategy whereby an investor sets target allocations for various asset classes and rebalances the portfolio periodically. Any person who commits capital with the expectation of financial returns is an investor. Common investment vehicles include stocks, bonds, commodities, and mutual funds. Over time, asset allocations can change as market performance alters the values of the assets. Rebalancing involves periodically buying or selling the assets in a portfolio to regain and maintain that original, desired level of asset allocation. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three financial advisors who serve your area, and you can interview your advisor matches at no cost to decide which one is right for you.

One thing that might complicate this is if the bond mutual fund you want to purchase additional shares of has a minimum investment that’s higher than $500. If that happens, you could purchase shares of a nearly identical bond ETF that doesn’t have any investment minimum. Age 65 represents the early years of retirement, at least for those people able to afford to stop working. The full Social Security retirement age for people retiring right now is 66; Medicare starts at 65.

For example, an allocation strategy might include the requirement to hold 30% inemerging marketequities, 30% in domestic blue chips and 40% ingovernment bondswith a corridor of +/- 5% for each asset class. The ideal frequency of rebalancing must be determined based on an investor’s time constraints, threshold for transaction costs, and allowance for value drift. Advantages of calendar rebalancing over more responsive methods are that it is less time consuming and costly for the investor since it involves fewer rebalancing occasions and potentially fewer trades. However, a downside is that it does not call for rebalancing at other dates even if the market moves significantly. Rebalancing is the act of adjusting a portfolio’s changed asset allocation to match an original allocation defined by an investor’s risk and reward profile. For example, if any single investment is more than 20% outside of its portfolio mix, you would rebalance your portfolio.

The importance of rebalancing a portfolio

She wasn’t comfortable with a level of automatic rebalancing portfolio risk that high, so she decided to return her asset allocation to the original percentages. A $100 portfolio has a target asset allocation of an 65/35 stock/bond split, or $65 in stocks and $35 in bonds. Rather than setting a schedule for rebalancing, M1 intelligently and automatically rebalances your portfolio little by little as you deposit and withdraw cash from your portfolio.


The asset classes in CPPI are styled as a risky asset, such as equities or mutual funds, and a conservative asset of either cash, cash equivalents, or treasury bonds. Three years after Karen invested her money in three different asset classes, gains in the stock market increased the value of her stock funds 22%. During the same period, the value of her bond funds grew 9% and her money market fund value was up 4%. Your investment strategy is probably designed for the long term, with a diversified mix of various types of investments. But there are times when you should consider portfolio rebalancing. The Charles Schwab Corporation provides a full range of brokerage, banking and financial advisory services through its operating subsidiaries.

Hiring an Investment Advisor

Target-date funds could also be advantageous WAVES for those investors who prefer a more hands-off approach. These managed funds change the risk profile based on your expected retirement age, selecting more conservative assets as you get older. Rebalancing is a key part of keeping your portfolio on track, and avoiding it can lead to serious changes in your investment portfolio.

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In most cases, you would enter your desired percentages for each holding and the frequency with which you want to auto rebalance. At the desired interval, the platform will execute the buys and sells to get the account to the intended percentages. In conclusion, automatic asset rebalancing is an investing strategy that helps you keep your portfolio balanced and aligned with your investment goals. It does this by selling assets that have increased in value and buying assets that have decreased in value. This process ensures that your portfolio remains diversified and reduces your risk of losing money.

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Here at Investor Junkie, we can’t stress enough the importance of having the proper asset allocation for your investment needs. That means having a good balance of investments in your portfolio to suit your risk tolerance, timeline, the amount invested, etc. All investing is subject to risk, including the possible loss of the money you invest. Diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss. Investments in bonds are subject to interest rate, credit, and inflation risk. WAVES No matter which type of automatic asset rebalancing you choose, the goal is always to keep your portfolio diversified and aligned with your investment goals.

This is known as a constant-mix strategy with bands or corridors. Rebalancing gives investors the opportunity to sell high and buy low, taking the gains from high-performing investments and reinvesting them in areas that are expected to see notable growth. While there is no required schedule for rebalancing a portfolio, it’s recommended that investors examine allocations at least once every year.

Does Rebalancing Have Costs?

Yes, it does. It involves the fees related to the transactions to purchase and sell securities. It can also involve the cost of performance. For example, to rebalance, you might sell securities that have increased in value and pushed your allocations out of whack. However, you could miss out on a continued upswing in prices that those securities experience. By making rebalancing part of an investment plan that you commit to, you’ll be aware of (and can accept) these and other potential costs in advance.

Automatic rebalancing is when a financial advisor, investment company or app rebalances your portfolio without your involvement. Most investment companies offer automatic rebalancing as a complimentary feature so investors don’t have to remember to do it themselves. All investing involves risk, including the risk of losing the money you invest. Using M1 Borrow’s margin account can add to these risks, and you should review our margin account risk disclosure before borrowing.

They might go lower and then you’ll suffer greater losses than you’re comfortable with. There is no optimal frequency or threshold when selecting a rebalancing strategy. The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation. Investopedia does not include all offers available in the marketplace. Investing knowledge and experience is required to rebalance as needed and reduce exposure to risk appropriately.

Eventually, the never-rebalanced portfolio was made up of 99% equities and 1% bonds! That’s a significantly different and much riskier portfolio than the one you started out with. As the market rises and falls, it can change your asset allocation and expose you to more risk than you’d intended.

  • Investment advice is only provided to Domain Money Advisors customers.
  • With this type of rebalancing, an investor would adjust the portfolio allocation on a schedule but also when an asset’s value crosses a particular threshold.
  • Also, if you have to pay any commissions to buy or sell, your total ending portfolio value will dip below $10,000.
  • Doing nothing to correct this can undermine an investor’s long-term strategy and goals.

You can invest 100% in stocks if you have a very high risk tolerance and a long time horizon, for example. On a single sheet, input each of your accounts, each of the investments within those accounts, and how much money you have in each investment. Note whether each investment is a stock, bond, or cash holding, and then calculate the percentage of your total holdings allocated to each category. This isn’t the easiest or fastest method, but it might be fun if you’re a personal finance geek who likes making spreadsheets. The more stocks you hold, the more risk you’re taking on since your portfolio will be more volatile and its value will change with swings in the market. But stocks tend to outperform bonds significantly over the long run, which is why so many investors rely more on stocks than on bonds to meet their goals.

The outcome of the CPPI strategy is somewhat similar to that of buying asynthetic call option that does not use actual option contracts. The constant-mix strategy is responsive but more costly to use than calendar rebalancing. While rebalancing doesn’t eliminate volatility, it can help to reduce risk over time. This link takes you to an external website or app, which may have different privacy and security policies than U.S. We don’t own or control the products, services or content found there.